It's Christmas week. Schools are mostly out. Many people are taking the week off from work to be with their families. Website traffic tends to slow up pretty good this week, so I wanted to make sure I thanked all of my loyal readers once again for an amazing 2010, and wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
For those of you who do come back to visit regularly this week, I will have a number of hockey/Christmas themed features for you to enjoy. In fact, I have so many I don't know how to all give them their proper due!
Let's start with the classic: Johnny Bower's Honky The Christmas Goose:

Not everyone knows it, but Johnny Bower fancied himself as quite the singer. In his most famous recording, Johnny teamed up with his own son John and some other children, known as the Rinky Dinks, to release Honky The Christmas Goose (click on link to listen to the entire song). They also sang "Banjo the mule," but to no great success.
Tune in this week for more hockey related Christmas stories!
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