I found a great used book store in Chilliwack, BC this summer. The Book Man on Wellington Street not only was one of the better used book stores I've seen in Western Canada, and they had a real good hockey book selection. Or at least they used to before I bought much of their collection.
One book I was pleasantly pleased to discover was a 1980s book of hockey cartoons by a fellow named Merv Magus. I had never heard of Magus or any of his 5 books, but I enjoyed his offering so much I just had to track him down.
Through the magic of Facebook I did just that. Merv and I began talking a lot about hockey, cartoons and publishing. Mr. Magus was kind enough to grant me this interview for HockeyBookReviews.com so we can better get to know him.
Also this week on Sunday Funnies:
Meet Captain Kornball.
And I return you to last season's top ten hockey commercials. Now those are puck'n funny!
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