You can ask Lyle Richardson all about that. He's the guy you're likely going to be reading today of all days. He of course runs Spector's Hockey, hockey world famous for his take on all the rumors flying out there all season long. He's hockey's hardest working blogger, and has been rewarded with paying gigs at The Hockey News and Fox Sports. If you're looking to keep track of all the goings on in the NHL this week, check out Richardson. My other trusty standbys are, as always, TSN, James Mirtle and Kuklas Korner.
Today is a day about hockey's future, not hockey's past. Which makes it awfully tough for hockey's history website to compete! That job gets even harder when Richardson comes out with the ultimate historical piece about NHL Free Agency Day, looking at big free agency signings gone bad.
I consider this article a must-read on a day like today. For all the hope and enthusiasm that free agency frenzy creates, it is important to remember this ultimate July 1st truth - there will be far more losers today than there will be winners.
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